March 10, 2009

Chris and Rhianna to duet!!!

So apparently this Chris Brown and Rihanna thing just keeps getting better. Reports are now coming out that the two are working on a duet. Here are some working titles.

I Bruise Easily (But if fruit can take it, so can you)

Punch de Replay

Punch My Face (Don't Let Up)

Forever (Where Do You Think Your Goin?)

Cover Songs they can duet:

It's a Hit (Rilo Kiley)
Hit Me with your Best Shot (Pat Benetar)
The Hitter (Bruce Springsteen)

There is the old tasteless joke of what do 1,000,000 battered women have in common? They don't listen. Great job Rihanna on making the dream a reality.


Anonymous said...

Oprah says that he will hit her again, and that is probably true in 98% of the cases, but the most important thing is that she should make sure that Chris Brown has to spend as much time as allowed by law in jail as the consequences for his actions. That is the way true love works.

Anonymous said...

Hit me baby one more time (Brittney spears)