April 27, 2009

Make it Clap

If you are happy, but completely unaware of it, do you still clap your hands?

Why is it when people that come from England or Australia lose their accents when they sing?

To that end, why do country music artists not from the south sound like they are from the south. Keith Urban? Merle Haggard? C'mon Merle, you are from fricken Bakersfield, CA and you are also not an OKIE from Muskogee!

I saw a woman whose first name was Marbelle. I thought it would be funny if she married the Scorpions drummer Herman Rarebell. Her name would be Marbelle Rarbell.

Now that Danny Gans has sadly passed away, do Rita Rudner and Lance Burton feel a sigh of releif that now they can become the entertainer of the year. More importantly, does Wayne Newton get his old job back?


LJSM said...

Hey, no more making fun of names that rhyme.;-)

Danny said...

My name sort of rhymes too. But yours is cute.