October 27, 2008

Run Away Timmy, they're coming!!!!

As Americans, we pride ourselves in being a country that is diverse. A country that welcomes everyone with open arms. Unfortunately, many cultures, let alone genders have had to struggle to gain respect and their rights along the way.

When you see a country on the verge of electing its first African American President or if an upset is made, female Vice-President, you think we have come a long way. Somehow, it just does not feel like it and this time, it hits where I live.

Here in California, we have a Proposition called Prop 8. Prop 8 is an initiative that would eliminate the right for Same-Sex couples to marry. Many conservatives and religious zealots fear gay marriage because of what it could mean for society and their children who may have to learn about this in school. Many of those who are for this proposition feel they have progressed by “allowing” civil unions and feel that is enough. How very Christian of them.

The ads for why people are against it are quite hysterical:

First of all, what school even teaches this or has children books on marriage? Are their children’s books on why Mommy is an angry monster for one week every month? So let’s say a child does bring a book home, what is the difference in teaching this and letting them know where babies come from? You have to tell them the truth right?

When people get married, most do so for love, commitment, keeping immigrants in the country and bets. Ok, maybe not the latter. But basically it is a legal and registered relationship between a “husband and wife.” Married couples even have the benefit to file taxes jointly and raise their own children together.

Now Civil Unions are only recognized in a handful of states including California. If you think about it, C.U. has many of the same rights as married couples. Partners have federal benefits, such as if a partner dies assuming his or hers Social Security Benefits, sick leave for if your partner becomes ill, tax breaks, veterans benefits and insurance breaks.

So it seems the main difference here between marriage and a civil union is that two gay/lesbian couples cannot make a child together. Besides when they show their affection towards one another in public it’s icky.

I guess having a loving Gay/Lesbian couple adopting or having a child is way worse than a woman having her 8th child for extra welfare payments, an athlete having 15 illegitimate children nationwide or teenagers having unprotected sex and becoming parents. Well if your Mom is Governor of Alaska, you may have some cash coming in.

Once again, progress has stopped in its tracks. As a nation we have a chance to do something special, yet there are those out there who are scared beyond belief of 8 year old Timmy learning about homosexuals. This is much worse than hearing about murders on television or hearing about the War in Iraq.

Run away Timmy, the homosexuals are coming!!!

Seriously, wouldn’t monsters be more friendly if they all sounded and looked like Paul Lynde?

There are more important things to worry about people.

October 20, 2008

So say Obama was an Arab

After hearing that woman at the Sarah Palin rally not wanting to vote for Obama because he was an “Arab,” I did not know whether to laugh or feel upset. However, the more I thought about it, I wondered how people actually view me? Well, other than being that loud obnoxious guy.

I do know that when I talk to most people, they usually do not see a Lebanese guy. I am always amazed at the reaction though once I tell them I am Lebanese. It is almost like I just came out of the closet or told them something shocking such as, I have 7 illegitimate children in Thailand.


I cannot believe it!

No Way!

Prior to September of 2001, I really did not get that reaction. It probably wasn’t until I graduated high school that I embraced it because, to be honest, I was somewhat embarrassed. In reality, there were not many Arabs around me growing up and all the Armenian kids were so Armenian that I needed a flag to sail on my lawn.

Plus, it’s not like I was Asian or Black where you wear your ethnicity on your skin. But outside of family where I did embrace my culture, I told everyone I was Italian, which is not a lie because I am through my great-grandmother. But I am not Italian enough to start a Scungilli farm.

These McCain/Palin rallies are beyond scary and not because you can barely see a person of color. Just the reactions of what people seem to believe makes it evident that they want the “South” to rise again.

Ok, so what if Obama is an Arab, Black or Muslim? What is so wrong with that? Isn’t that what makes America so great? Did my generation learn anything from the School House Rock Song the “Great American Melting Pot?”

Just watch this video and tell me your reaction:

Do any of these people who are voting for McCain really understand who Arabs, Muslims or anyone who is not white are? Let’s stick with Arabs here. Take a look at this list. Many of them share the same views and were in the cabinets of Republican Presidents:

• Selwa Roosevelt, American Ambassador and longest-serving White House Chief of Protocol (1982-1989)
• George Mitchell, Former U.S. Senate Majority Leader; Lebanese on his mother's side.
• Donna Shalala, Former Secretary of State for Health and Human Services under the Clinton Administration (and the longest to serve in the post)
• John E. Sununu Sr, Former Governor (NH) and White House Chief of Staff (1989-1991)
• John Elway
• Doug Flutie
• Bobby Rahal

My family has been in the US since the 1860’s. They have served in World Wars I and II, Korea and Vietnam for you, me and everyone in between. I won’t even get into my cousin Bobby sacrificing his own life 7 years ago. All of them shared the same vision, and that of course is the American Dream.

The funny thing is most Arabs here and overseas, share the same values and beliefs as most conservative Republicans. Some may say, even more so. Yet for some reason, many of the non Arab culture think we are going to ride around on our magic carpets and murder the masses as we scream AY YI YI YI YI holding a machete.

I am in fact in the minority in my family for being liberal. Which of course makes it all the much better when I hear they are not voting for McCain. That really shows you something is wrong in this current state of affairs if Arab-Americans are not voting Republican.

Maybe there is a change coming after all…