November 21, 2008

Pet Peeve

Pet Peeve # 32 - People who sound like they are eating when they talk.

November 17, 2008

Just some ramblings

I am really hoping the fat one wins on Biggest Loser.

I am looking forward to Heroes getting canceled so I no longer have to hear people talk about how miserable their lives are.

Is it okay to call a baby ugly?

November 12, 2008

Maybe American Idol is not so bad...

I never understood the fascination with reality TV. To me, it is like people who want to jump off a bridge or a building to get attention. This is why you never see footage of this on a newscast or even people who jump on a field during a sporting event.

This is another reason why I do not watch American Idol. To me, it is about people who want to win a contest and become famous and never of heard again. Yay Taylor whats his name or that dude that looks like a fat Shaquille O'Neal. Kelly Clarkson is about as bookable these days as Magic Johnson at a KKK rally.

The bottom line is I respect others who are working their tales off in clubs and parties to earn a living and get signed. Not somebody whose hit song will be about as memorable as Gerald Ford's Vice President.

But maybe this can change if I see more of this!

The police found the body of train wreck Paula Goodspeed on the lawn of train wreck Paula Abdul. According to Reuters, the death appeared to be an overdose on prescription drugs. In Paula Goodspeed's car was in the Paula's car with Abdul CD's and pictures of her.

Ok, first of all, who in the hell has Paula Abdul CD'S? I get it if you were 12 in 1989 and you still own Forever Your Girl. But multiple CD's? Isn't that a clear sign?

That being said, I would watch American Idol for reasons like this! Crazy stalkers who go on reality TV and then take their own life on the host/judges lawn!

You didn't pick me? I'll show you by killing...myself! Ha, I win!

Here is some video of her. Please cue Twilight Zone theme:

November 7, 2008

Mom, I want to die just like you, watching the Black Hawks.

If I had a nickel for every mom and child that died at a hockey game, I would have 10 cents.

This week, long time Chicago Black Hawks fan Marguerite Kuhlman collapsed and died while watching her favorite team at the United Center.

The ironic part is that her mother died while watching the Blackhawks 22 years earlier at the Old Chicago Stadium.

All I can say is I hope I am never near a Kuhlman if I am watching a game in Chicago.

November 5, 2008

Can a Morning Smell Any Sweeter?

In my almost 34 years of existence, I do not think I ever woke up feeling the way I do today. Maybe that will change once my child is born, but this feeling is filled with amazement and most of all, hope.

Think about it, not even 50 years ago blacks could not sit in the same section in a restaurant. It wasn't until 1959 the Boston Red Sox inserted Pumpsie Green into their lineup as their first African-American baseball player.

Now, we have our first African-American as President of the United States. A man who will walk up to the Capitol Building on steps that were built by slaves.

We have heard the voices sing "We Shall Overcome" for quite some time now. Well, for the most part and barring some sickos out there, we have.

Somewhere, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Rosa Parks are having a party and loving every minute of this.

And for those who say, not all is won, Proposition 8 passed. Well in my eyes, it did.

We have 5 million people in this world who believe in discrimination and you know what? How big would that number have been 4 years ago? 8 years ago?

Our society, as evident in our President Elect, is evolving. Our children will see what is wrong as does every generation. Many of the old generation and religious zealots who believe in discrimination or as my friend Ron puts it, making gay people have less value as human beings, will eventually die. Just as we saw our nation progress as does every generation, we will see this pass.

We will see this pass.

November 4, 2008

25 Million Thanks!

I would like to congratulate the Church of the Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for donating 25 million dollars to fund the Vote Yes on Proposition 8.

Lets face it. No religion on the face of the earth values marriage more than the Church of Latter Day Saints.

Thank God that money did not go to funding education programs, research to fight diseases such as Cancer or AIDS or helping shelter our homeless and hungry. But important issues such as stopping loving people who want to marry.

Maybe because it is just one person they want to marry? Nah!

Good for you Obadiah!

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