August 14, 2009

Everybody Deserves a Second Chance or Seventh.

For a brief moment last night, I actually forgave Michael Vick. I mean, that is what we are supposed to do right? But last night after I heard Donovan McNabb say everybody deserves a second chance,I remembered:

1. Electrocuting Dogs
2. Drowning Dogs
3. Hanging innocent puppies in a tree so that pit bulls can tear them to shreds.
4. Taking family member pets and putting them in the fighting ring to get mauled.
5. Getting arrested for smoking dope outside the courthouse while on trial for dog fighting.

So I guess this would be his 6th chance? I can see once he gets his paycheck from Philly, he will be giving fans the finger again. Which of course would be his 7th chance since he has done that already.

So what is worse Philly? Being the heroin capital of the U.S. or being home to Michael Vick?

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